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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cascading Juniper potted today.

This is my Juniper that I had sitting in a nursery pot for awhile now and today at our local Bonsai club meeting " My first time going by the way"we potted it and I finger pruned it a little more. I think im going to have the side hanging to the left be the front of the tree. Also I am thinking of wiring one of the pads kind upwards so it doesn't look like one continuous branch going all the way down. Not sure again any suggestions would be appreciated on that matter.

I really like how thick the foliage has turned out on this juniper considering I got it in the bargain bin at our local hardware store. I think its going to end up being a nice addition to my collection.
This will be the back side?
Thinking this may be the front of the tree?
The finished product with moss and top dressing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

One more follow up on the maple

This is the front view.
It has been alittle while since the last post on how my maple is doing. So I thought I would take a couple of pictures to show the progress. Im really happy how its turning out. You can see all the new growth coming in all around. It will be awhile before I can start wiring some of the branches I feel but hopefully not to long. Any suggestions are welcome just let me know what you think.
This is the rear view.